Auricular Acupuncture to Reduce Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Sleeve Gastrectomy Patients: A Quality Improvement Project

    Item Description
    Linked Agent
    Project manager: Sands, Kristy
    Clinical expert: Tenedios, George
    Degree granting institution: Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
    Department: Nursing
    Degree discipline: Nursing
    Date Created
    Date Issued

    Bariatric surgery is increasing in popularity as an effective treatment for obesity and obesity-related conditions. Sleeve gastrectomy has emerged as the most common bariatric surgery because it delivers comparable weight reduction to gastric bypass, is performed laparoscopically, and has fewer complications. One of the most common complications of sleeve gastrectomy surgery is postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). A quality improvement project was completed to evaluate auricular acupuncture (AA) (needles placed in specific meridians in the cartilage of the ears), in addition to current antiemetic treatment to further reduce nausea and vomiting immediately following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) surgery. A retrospective chart review was completed to assess episodes of PONV from the end of LSG surgery until discharge from the post-anesthesia care unit.

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